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How to get a Trengo API key

Learn how to get a Trengo API key and use it with Airobi.

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How to get a Trengo API key

Welcome to our guide on acquiring a Trengo API key! This guide is particularly beneficial for those intending to use Airobi. However, anyone interested in navigating the Trengo API effectively will find it useful.

What is Trengo?

Trengo is a well-structured Software as a Service (SaaS) solution for customer service. It focuses on streamlining customer communications into one shared inbox. Trengo features integrations with multiple popular communication channels like email, social media, messaging apps, and even traditional voice calls.

Understanding the Trengo API key

The Trengo API key is essentially a unique identifier that authorizes requests made to the Trengo API. This key grants you the necessary permissions to interact with your account data programmatically.

The need for a Trengo API key arises when you want to integrate other platforms or applications, such as Airobi, seamlessly with your Trengo account. Custom integrations, workflow automation, data analysis, and enhancing the functionality of your account are amongst the myriad of possibilities unlocked with a Trengo API key.

Steps to obtain your personal Trengo API key

Go too the Rest API page or follow these simple steps to get your API key:

  1. Log into your Trengo account.

  2. Navigate to 'Settings' in the lower-left corner of your dashboard.

  3. From the expanded menu, select 'Integrations'

  4. On the 'Integrations' page, click on the 'Rest API'

  5. Click on the 'Regenerate API token' button.

At this point, your API key is ready for use. Keep it secure, as it provides powerful access to your account.

Get your Trengo API key today and discover the diverse functionalities it offers when used with applications like Airobi Copilot or Airobi Chatbot!